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What To Expect From Couples Counselling

July 8, 2022

If you're considering couples counselling, you're likely wondering what to expect from the process. This can be a difficult question to answer, as every couple's experience will be different. However, we can give you an idea of what to expect based on what is typically covered in couples counselling sessions. In the points below, we'll discuss the benefits of couples counselling, what you can expect during treatment, and some of the most common issues that counsellors help couples address.

What is couples counselling and what can you expect from it?

Couples counselling is a type of therapy that is designed to help couples improve their relationship. It can be an effective way to address problems in a relationship and improve communication, conflict resolution, and intimacy. Sessions typically last for 50 minutes to an hour, and most people see improvement after attending several sessions.

How do you know if you need couples counselling or not?

Some common signs that you may benefit from treatment include feeling disconnected from your partner, frequently arguing or fighting, or feeling like you're not being heard or understood. If you're considering couples counselling, it's important to keep in mind that it takes two people to make it work. Both you and your partner need to be committed to the process in order for it to be successful.

What are the benefits of couples counselling for both individuals and the relationship as a whole?

Couples counselling can offer a number of benefits for both individuals and the relationship. As mentioned earlier, it can help improve communication, conflict resolution skills, and intimacy. But it can also help people to understand and resolve deeper underlying issues that may have been causing problems in the relationship for quite some time. Couples counselling can be an effective way to improve the overall quality of your relationship and build a stronger foundation for the future.

How does the process work and how long does it usually take to see results?

Couples counselling typically involves meeting with a therapist on a weekly basis. During each session, you and your partner will have the opportunity to discuss the issues you're experiencing in your relationship. The therapist's goal is ultimately to help you both better understand each other's needs moving forward. Most people see improvement after attending several sessions.

What are some of the most common issues that couples counsellors help people address?

Couples counselling can be helpful for addressing a wide range of issues, but some of the most common problems that people seek treatment for include communication problems, trust issues, infidelity, and financial stress. No matter what issue you're struggling with, couples counselling can offer a safe and supportive space to help you work through it.

Book a couples counselling appointment at Your Psychologist in Elsternwick today

If you and your partner are considering couples counselling, Franco Greco at Your Psychologist can help. With 20+ years’ experience working with clients to provide therapy treatment around relationships, intimacy, co-dependency and divorce mediation, he will work closely alongside you and your partner to identify the root cause of your relationship issues and equip you with the right emotional tools to overcome these issues.

Book an appointment
for your initial consultation today.

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Wednesday: 9am - 9pm
Thursday: 8am - 6pm
Friday: 8am - 6pm

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