Subjugation Schema Therapy & Counselling in Elsternwick
If you identify with 5 or more of these statements then you probably have this schema.
- I have a lot of trouble speaking up for myself.
- I often feel that people treat me like a doormat.
- In my relationships I tend to let other people make the decisions.
- I rarely tell people if they have hurt my feelings or let me down.
- I tend to feel a lot of anger and resentment that I rarely express.
- I tend to please other people so that there won't be conflict or rejection.
- I am afraid that if I let my feelings out I will lose control.
- I tend to be quite passive aggressive.
- I avoid conflict or confrontation at any cost.
- I have difficulty putting up boundaries with people.
Subjugation schema exposes us to a fear or anxiety of retaliation, humiliation or rejection if we express our true feelings and needs. This anxiety prevents us from asserting ourselves, establishing boundaries and dealing with conflict.
Not only does subjugation schema make us worry that we won't be able to cope with the after-effect of saying how we feel, but failure to establish boundaries with others can often leave us feeling taken advantage of, used or disrespected. We end up doing things we really don’t want to, because we can’t say “no”.
New ParagraphThis causes a build-up of anger and resentment that often crops up abruptly or in unexpected situations. Alternatively, we direct this anger towards the person causing it in passive aggressive ways.
We might fail to return calls, ignore people, turn up late, or half-heartedly complete tasks we’ve been asked to do. We spend a lot of time people-pleasing and doing what others want, so people never get to see the “real us”.
This schema has huge effects on our confidence and self-esteem, as we know that we are not being true to ourselves and we end up feeling controlled and disempowered. It often results in abusive relationships with partners, friends or colleagues because we don’t speak up for ourselves.
Overcome this way of thinking, with subjugation schema treatment in Elsternwick
You might be wondering where subjugation schema comes from, or what triggers it in the first place. If you were raised in a household where it was dangerous to express your feelings or speak up, you are very likely have this schema. It’s also very common in people who have been physically, emotionally or sexually abused.
As a child, it was in your best interests to stay quiet and small to avoid harm. If you had a volatile parent or if there was a lot of conflict and stress in the house, you might have associated speaking up with fear, retaliation or humiliation.
Unfortunately, this pattern is still playing out today. But with professional subjugation schema treatment at our Elsternwick clinic, you can “find your voice”, and regain control over your life and decisions.
As a qualified and experienced subjugation therapist in Elsternwick, we can assist you
With more than 20 years of experience as an evidence-based psychologist and internationally-accredited coach, Your Psychologist Founder Franco Greco has helped countless clients overcome this debilitating schema.
We also offer life-changing treatment and therapy for
abandonment schema,
dependence schema,
unrelenting standards schema and
vulnerability schema, as well as other damaging mindsets.
Danger Signals In Potential Partners
- Your partner is domineering and expects to have things his and her way.
- Your partner has a very strong sense of self and knows exactly what he/she wants in most situation.
- Your partner becomes irritated or angry when you disagree or attend to your own needs.
- Your partner does not respect your opinions, needs, or rights.
- Your partner pouts and pulls away from you when you do things your way.
- Your partner is easily hurt or upset, so you feel you have to take care of him/her.
- You have to watch what you do or say carefully, because your partner drinks a lot or has a bad temper.
- Your partner is not very competent or together, so you end up having to do a lot of the work.
- Your partner is irresponsible or unreliable, so you have to be overly responsible and reliable.
- You let partner make most of the choices because most of the time you do not feel strongly one way or the other.
- Your partner makes you feel guilty or accuses you of being selfish when you ask to do something your way.
- Your partner becomes sad, worried, or depressed easily, so you end up doing most of the listening.
- Your partner is very needy, and dependent on you.
Arrange a consultation with our subjugation psychologists in Elsternwick today
Suppressing our emotions can have a negative effect on our health in the long-term, both physically and mentally. If you are suffering with subjugation schema, our Elsternwick subjugation schema treatments will help.
For more information or to book an appointment, please don’t hesitate to
contact us today.