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588 Glenhuntly Rd, Elsternwick 3185


Mistrust and Abuse Schema

Mistrust & Abuse Therapy in Elsternwick

"I Can't Trust You"
If your mindset is being influenced by the mistrust and abuse schema, it generally means that your first expectation of new people who enter your life will hurt or abuse you in some way. Perhaps they will cheat on you, lie to you, manipulate, humiliate or take advantage of you in other ways.

To protect yourself, you put up barriers between yourself and those around you, which prevents people from getting close to you. You’re likely to be suspicious of people’s true intentions, and even those who love you will struggle to overcome this hurdle.

You might choose to avoid relationships altogether, or perhaps you opt to maintain casual relationships at a superficial level. Another avenue that people with mistrust and abuse schema often go down is to subconsciously choose to get involved with people who mistreat you – this leads to anger.

In the long term, mistrust and abuse schema can have a drastic impact on your mental wellbeing, as we all need close relationships with people to feel supported and emotionally connected. That’s why Your Psychologist in Elsternwick provides in-depth mistrust and abuse therapy, to work through these issues and resolve them at their core.

Do you have mistrust and abuse schema?

Sometimes it can be difficult to self-diagnose whether you are living with mistrust and abuse schema. We recommend reading the list of statements below, and if you find that they resonate with you, it’s likely that you would benefit from mistrust and abuse therapy in Elsternwick.


·      I believe that those around me don’t have my best interests at heart

·      I’m always keeping an eye out for people’s ulterior motives

·      It takes me a long time to trust people, and even then it’s difficult

·      I am quick to conclude relationships when I feel that the person is against me

·      I’m guarded and on alert at all times

·      I feel that everyone is only looking out for their own best interests

·      I typically end up in toxic relationships with people who are abusive

·      I feel disconnected from everyone I meet, like they don’t understand me

·      If I ever let my guard down, people will take advantage of me

Our mistrust and abuse schema therapy in Elsternwick can change your life for the better

Your Psychologist Elsternwick is well-versed in helping people with mistrust and abuse schema overcome these thought patterns and learn to trust the people who deserve it. With our help, you can enjoy a happier lifestyle with close relationships.


From failure schema to social isolation schema, vulnerability schema, subjugation schema and more, Your Psychologist specialises in helping people improve their lives by identifying the cause of their schemas and resolving the issue permanently. 

Schedule an appointment


If you’re ready to overcome your mistrust and abuse schema, book a consultation with us today.


Contact Information

0482 092 406

Consultation Hours

Wednesday: 9am - 9pm
Thursday: 8am - 6pm
Friday: 8am - 6pm


Astrid is very frightened of the dark. She always sleeps with the light on. When her husband is not at home she usually stays at a friends place overnight. As soon as she notices an unfamiliar noise outside, her body stiffens and she gets panicky.  Every shadow on the street makes her feel anxious and helpless. As a child she suffered from the violent temper of her father. He used to hit her and her brothers and sisters randomly if something upset him. Her mother couldn't protect her as the father also beat her.

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