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588 Glenhuntly Rd, Elsternwick 3185



Highly Effective Insomnia Therapists in Elsternwick

Do you have trouble sleeping at night? Does your mind wander to negative thoughts that keep you awake? At Your Psychologist Elsternwick, we provide highly effective cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia, with the aim to help you break out of the negative schemas that prevent you from getting a decent night’s sleep.

While there are a whole host of reasons why you might be struggling to slip into regular sleep patterns that allow you to function properly during the day, insomnia therapy is far more effective than sleep medications in the long term. This is because our Elsternwick sleep management therapy treats the problem at its core.

Our highly experienced insomnia therapists will help you learn to recognise and adjust beliefs that affect your ability to sleep, thus allowing you to break the cycle where you worry about getting to sleep so much that it actually stops you from being able to do so.

What does our insomnia therapy in Elsternwick entail?


In his 20+ years of experience working closely alongside clients to help them overcome various life challenges, Franco Grego has adopted a variety of techniques for helping people with insomnia.


·      Stimulus control therapy involves removing factors that condition your mind to resist sleep; such as inconsistent bedtimes and morning alarms, afternoon naps, eating or watching TV in bed, and so on.

·      Relaxation techniques covers a variety of methods for muscle relaxation, while biofeedback and breathing exercises can be highly effective in reducing anxiety right before going to bed. By learning how to control your breathing, heart rate, muscle tension and mood, you can train yourself to fall asleep easier.

·      Light therapy involves using light to push your internal clock back. There are products that can assist with this process (such as light boxes, for example).

·      Other techniques such as sleep restriction and remaining passively awake can help to reduce worry and anxiety, as well as encourage a better night’s sleep by reducing the amount of time you spend in bed.


Together, we will help you develop healthy sleeping habits and eradicate behaviours that prevent you from getting adequate sleep.


Insomnia management and other schema therapies in Elsternwick


From insomnia therapy to addiction counselling, phobia treatment, relationship therapy, unrelenting standards schema therapy and more; Your Psychologist Elsternwick specialises in a vast array of highly effective treatments for helping you enhance your quality of life.


Book an appointment today


If you are ready to overcome your insomnia and achieve better sleeping patterns that leave you feeling better rested and energised, please don’t hesitate to book a consultation with our professional team today.


Contact Information

0482 092 406

Consultation Hours

Wednesday: 9am - 9pm
Thursday: 8am - 6pm
Friday: 8am - 6pm

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